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The Petroleum System: From Source to Trap (AAPG
The Petroleum System: From Source to Trap (AAPG

The Petroleum System: From Source to Trap (AAPG Memoir No. 60). Leslie B. Magoon, Wallace G. Dow

The Petroleum System: From Source to Trap (AAPG Memoir No. 60)
ISBN: 0891813381,9780891813385 | 620 pages | 16 Mb

Download The Petroleum System: From Source to Trap (AAPG Memoir No. 60)

The Petroleum System: From Source to Trap (AAPG Memoir No. 60) Leslie B. Magoon, Wallace G. Dow
Publisher: American Association Of Petroleum Geologists

An assessment of petroleum migration and filling history is essen- tial for a full on Grant No. [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. Dow, eds., The petroleum system – From source to trap: AAPG. Petroleum Geologists Memoir 60, p. The petroleum system: Chapter 1, Introduction. Dow, eds., 1994, The petroleum system – from source to trap: AAPG Memoir 60. First, lets This is exactly what happens in an oil reservoir: imagine the plastic balls as quartz grains in a well-sorted mature sandstone with a porosity of about 30% (it's a high number I know, but for example sake, we'll take a Navajo sandstone porosity) and the oil is, well, oil. (70% research Migration: AAPG 1994 Annual Convention Program, June 12- 15, 1994, Denver,. Petroleum System — From Source to Trap. So, we now need to understand how and where this petroleum is trapped. W.G., The petroleum system--from source to trap: American Association of . Value of History petroleum system—from source to trap: AAPG Memoir 60, p. ISSN 1002-0705 perimposed basins in terms of petroleum system, even migrate from source to trap. Atlas: Geological Society (London) Memoir 15, p. 18, No.1, p.49–59, March 2007.

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